JoKeS, JoKeS and more JoKeS
Do you know any jokes? I know a lot of them. In this blog I will show some of these jokes and comic stripes. That is very very funny:
What drink do you get with the McObamaHappyMeal in Pakistan?
- No drink JUST ICE.
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What is the difference between Obama and God? - God doesn't think he is Obama. ![]() |
Why won't Obama release his real birth certificate?
- He accidently smoked it.
What is twenty feet tall, has sharp teeth and goes HO HO HO?
- Tyrano-Santa Rex
Do you ever buy any Christams Seals? BILLY: "Mum, can I have a dog for Christmas?"
- No, I wouldn't know how to feed them. MUM: "No, you can have turkey like everyone!"
HUSBAND: "Every time i hit you, you never fight back. How do you manage your anger?"
WIFE: "I clean the toiet seat"
HUSBAND: "How does that help you?"
WIFE: "I use your tootbrush"
A boy goes to a strip club. Then he come back home. His mom gets angry and asks him:
"Did you see anything there that you weren't supposed to see?"
BILLY: "Yes, I saw Daddy!"
Very funny jokes.