Wednesday, 4 December 2013


-The sun produces more energy in one second than all the energy wasted by humanity at the begining of times.
-Mice can't vomit.
-Letter J is the only one that doesn't appear in the periodic table.
-People blink aproximately 25 thousands times a week.
-Spider web is the most resistant material created by nature.
-Before 1800, the right and left shoes were the same.
-Einstein's parents thought that he was mentally handicapped. He   doesn't pass GSCE exams.
-Elephants have four knees. They are unic.
-You loses aproximately 100 hairs a day.
-The most common name in world are Mohammed.
-All termits together weight 10 times more than all human together.
-This two lines (=, iguality) were used by Robert Recorde, an english matematician, 400 years ago. He chose this sign because "there aren't two things more equal than two parallel lines". 
-Edison feared the darkness.
-Elvis Presley was blond.
-The complet Picasso's name was "Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispín Crispiano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso".

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