Greek mytology explains that there are some Gods that control the world, one God for each element, if you continue reading I am going to explain some of the most important Gods for the world:
ZEUS: He is the God that controls the SKY and THUNDERBOLTS.
He is married to Hera. His best gun is a lighting that controls the weather.
POSEIDON: He is the God of the SEA, he is
ZEUS´s brother.His best gun is a trident that can control the waves.
HADES: He is the God of DEATH and HELL. He is married to Persefone and his pet is Cerbero, a terrible three-headed dog. His best gun is a helmet that can control darkness.
ATENEA: She is the Godness of WISDOM and JUSTICE.
She was excised of Zeus`s brain.
HEFESTO: He is the God of FIRE and METALLURGY.
He was married to Aphrodite but they broke up because Hefesto was too ugly and Aphrodite was
cheating on him with other gods.
APOLO: He is the God of the SUN.
He is ZEUS´s son and
ARTEMISA´s brother.
My favorite God is Hades because he can control darkness, I think darkness is the most powerful thing, nobody likes darkness, all are afraid. And you, what is your favorite God?