Tuesday, 14 January 2014


 A new year starts and the most of the people want to start this new year doing new things. What about your resolutions of this year? This survey is to know what the people want for this new year.

1. For this new year i want to travel to... a) hot places  b) cold places  c) tipical places  d) anywhere

2. I want to do ... exercise.                     a) a litle of  b) a lot of  c) some  d) nothing 

3. I have to stop...                                  a) smoking  b) be an ignorant  c) bighead

4. I'm going to ...                                    a) do it better at work  b) safe money  c) study more

5. I have to improve                               a) school marks  b) my health  c) social attitudes  d) i'm perfect

6. I must do new things like..                  a) learn german  b) extreme sports  c)

7. I will like to go to festivals like...          a) FIB  b) Tomorrowland c) Rototom

1 comment:

  1. Hello: these are my votes for your proposed new year resolutions
    - I want to travel anywhere
    - I want to do some exercise
